Cam White's Hillside Dirt Jam 2012 Run Down

(Pic from Cams Jam 2011)
 Cams Jam is done for 2012 and just like the other years this one was amazing. Cam White always put in a ton of work to make sure that it is one of the if not the best dirt comp/jam in the world. The days leading up to the jam had been wet, but luckily on the day of the event it was clear sky's and good weather. But Cam woke up at 6am to fix the jumps that had taken a beating from the rain, after 10 hours of work he was to tired to ride, which was a shame because he would of killed them as per usual. But he was out there all night making sure the jumps were running well for everyone.

Now to the riding! There are 3 categories best style, best trick and king of the hill. Its set up so the riders vote for who they think won. This year best style was taken out by Chris Harti who goes so high and with an obvious ton of style. Chris had been killing Cams jam for years so it was awesome to see him take out best style. Best trick went to Jaie Toohey who did a flip triple tailwhip which was absolutely crazy. King of the hill went to American TJ Ellis who is not scared to go nuts on big jumps and that is what he did all night.

Other noticeable mentions. I keep hearing stories from Big Salad about this Ryan Loyd guy from Adelaide who has the best style and is really good. Well everyone got to witness it first hand last night. He did the craziest upside down 360 one footed seat grab, it was done with so much style and I have never seen anything else like it. Mike "Hucker" Clark was there ruling as always, he casually did a double flip over the big trick jump like it was nothing. He went down on a opposite truck to downside whip and he was pretty much done after that. Kyle Baldock was there going nuts as well, its always good to watch him ride and the big jumps didn't seem to bother him at all as he was doing crazy stuff all over the place.

There were also a lot of bad crashes and injuries. Vince Byron and Pat O'neill got knocked out cold over jumping the last jump. Both of these guys were taken to hospital but will hopefully be ok. Shane Conlon bailed on one of the jumps and broke his back. His spinal cord is fine and doesn't need surgery but is still going to be in hospital for a week or so. There was a lot of bad crashes all night, so I'm guessing there will be a few sore dudes around today. Fingers crossed Vince, Pat and Shane are going to be all good though.

This is just some of the stuff that happened, I could go on for ever about it, but Im hungover so this is long enough. Hopefully someone will put a video of the event out soon so if you weren't there you can see the craziness for yourself. Thanks again to Cam White and his family for putting it on and doing it all for charity, they really are great people. Thanks to all the sponsors Mongoose, Monster, UNIT, Vans, Back Bone Bmx, Langes, Urban Freestyle, Forgiven, Lavs Lab and Nandos. The event was in memory of Dane Searls who was the best ever on these jumps and was sorely missed. If you didn't make it out this year, defiantly try and make it to the next one as it will be one of the best things you will ever get to see.

 More Cam Jam 2012 Posts

Another Cam Hillside Jam 2012 Video
Cam Jam 2012 Photos
Cam White's Hillside Dirt Jam 2012 Highlights Video
Best Trick Cams Jam 2012


Nethaniel said…
Here is a link to a video I made of Cam White's Hillside Dirt Jam 2012. Hope you like it:

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