Chris Courtenay Welcome to Colony

Fucking Chris Courtenay. Nuff said. Via Colony.


Anonymous said…
holy fucking shitballs batman!
micky said…
he is my favourite rider at the moment!!!!
trooth said…
Why the fuck is he on flow?????
Anonymous said…
holy fuckin shit. the kid is amazing.
Anonymous said…
CCC= Chris Case Courtenay! That was fucking sick tho
Anonymous said…
thats was fucking bonkers
Clint Millar said…
Yo Trooth... Chris is on flow because no one on my team goes straight to pro. You have to at least do your time on flow until you get a monthly pay cheque & travel budget. It's only fair. It won't be long till he is on pro though... thanks.
Taylor said…
Clint Millar said…
Yo Trooth... he is on flow right now because no one goes straight to pro on my team no matter who you are. Everyone has to do their time before they get a monthly pay cheque & travel budget. He won't be on flow for long though... thanks.
Lanky said…
WAHHHHHHHT THE HELL????? O.O how are you meant to explain that kind of riding?!
micky said…
this video deserves more comments then this..... he is down right on his on lvl lucky to tooth on that wall at capalaba is just aint right!!!!!
BJ Soole said…
it is called the cc shut down!
Sam Illman said…
That was amazing, so much original stuff and everything is smooth!

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