Brett Coleman Edit.

This is Brett's new edit for Method Industries. No offence, that has to be the worst song to use to a BMX edit EVER, and I'm not sure how I feel about the last clip as a Foam pit clip? Other then that there is some good riding in this one! Sent in by Paul Jagger.


Matt said…
Anonymous said…
Worst video ive ever seen and heard. And nothing ever counts when Brett does it because he's only in it for the madddddddDdD sponno's. Maybe if you talk once in a while brett, you'll make better videos.
JayTee said…
Fuckin oath, possibly the worst video ever.
I agree with old mate. Talk more and get off Method and maybe people will like talking to you. K, thats not even right, you can never change your status.
alexh said…
great, loved it, 1080???,, wats with these shit_talkers???
mike straw said…
I swear to fuuucking god that riders are coming off an assembly line in some fucked factory. Riding needs less harry main try hards and more "originality"!!!! Think about it?? When you rock up to a park how many of these fucking nike tee wearing fags with mouth guards in, Gyros doing stock stiff inverts and trying to throw as many barrie or whips into one air riders do you see???

If you never notice, then that means you're just one of them! BMX is turning out to be football.
Josh said…
Oh my. HAHAH. Sooooo bad.
Anonymous said…
my fucking dog can edit better
Steve Denny said…
man your talented at what you do, but i strongly agree with Mike Straw!

all i can say is fuck foampits.
micky said…
im pretty sure he is aloud to do wat ever tricks he wants in a edit.... yeh it was poorly edited and the song was from a rave but he still can ride his bike how ever he wants to ride it.... and y do u care so much anyway haters does this kids riding effect u personally?

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