BlackMarket Dirt Jam & Ballin on a Budget Roadtrip.
Dan Blogg from Black Market Films sent through these two edits, first one is the Black Market Dirt jam that went down at Ferny Grove trails a while back, and second is the Ballin on a Budget edit featuring Josh Mannion and others on the road up to Gladstone shredding some spots.
Irvine = Douchebag!
agent 19, you're a fucking jealous dog, all you do on this site is dog on kids and other guys who are just as good as you, or basically better becuase you have nothing else to do in your spare time..
I may have never met you, but everyone I have met has left a pretty good image about you in my head, well enough for me to say " i never ever want to meet that wanker" you're ment to be someone other younger riders look up too.. but no, you're just a wanker.
Josh Mannion is one of the " best " riders I have met, yeah he might case a couple things every now and then, but he still beats the shit outta you. and you know why he's a good rider, because he has the personality aswell. you dont and that's why in everyone's eyes, you're a shit talking wanker whos seat has obviously landed so far up his arse.. he doesn't seem to be able to come back down. and Rhys he's on his way up there too, he's just as good as anyone else.
you're just being an arse about black market films becuase no one wants to film or sponsor you, you're just a jealous prick.
ps VC is sick so yea never said that