Berly Tanner 09 Edit

Riding was good but the song was a little wack. Sounded like The Postal Service on helium or something. Riding is by Berly Tanner anyway, who apparently spent 4 months of the year in a cast with a broken foot.


Anonymous said…
holy fuck mitch, your description of that song couldnt have being more spot on. Fucking terriblee.
Anonymous said…
yeah but the dude knows how to ride........ really good....... good on ya mate
Anonymous said…
it was a really good song from owl city but he has chipmunked it or something.
Anonymous said…
bahahahah haaha me mate got that song from livewire n i just randomly put it on on the last sec haaha i know the song is soo gayy aahaha
Anonymous said…
it ment to say limewire, also about me foot, i broke my foot doin a backie, the doctor put me on a cast for 6 weeks but then they reliesed that none of the joints are stickin together, soo i had a surgery n i got screws n shit in my foot now to keep it intact n it took another 3 month on a cast n next month i got another surgery to removed all the shit out of my foot
Anonymous said…
what's with the clip of him with no shirt all wet??? isn't that a lil gay and i bet you felt your arteries clogging from the burger lol
Anonymous said…
song's rubbish, this gook loves himself but riding is awesome

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