



Anonymous said…
woww AMAZINGGGGGG snappa is king! that tabo to fakie was the bestttt!
Anonymous said…
nollie bar was clean
Anonymous said…
snappa pung pungpungpung pu pung pung!
Anonymous said…
omg that guy was dialed and has the BEST style
Anonymous said…
always amazing to watch
Anonymous said…
that was possibly the worst video on diversity bmx.

cant bealeave you people think hes good! bahaha!
Anonymous said…
wow sick lets do a barrie, and let the bars land first then put my hands on!
Anonymous said…
fuck yeah! that was raw and sweet!!!!!! thats what bmx needs now days(not give a fuck steez), im sick of cunts trying to be so clean and perfect when filming stunts, keep shreding bro!!!
Anonymous said…
snapa pung vallyyy!!
hes not the smoothest rider , but fuck he shreds
Anonymous said…
easily the most entertaining vid ever to be stolen by this site. also best music taste.
Anonymous said…
snappa is god

the end!

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