Questions and Answers: Kristopher Humphries

I've known Kristopher Humphries for a fair while now, and not only is he a brilliant photographer and a great rider, he's passionate about his scene, and BMX as a whole. He's had a bunch of work published recently, so I hit him up with a few questions; click through to see what he has to say.

The basics; Who, what, where, how old?
Kristopher Humphries 21 years old and live in Medowie NSW 30 minutes North of Newcastle

You’ve had a bunch of your photos pop up of late; when, and how did you become interested in photography and videography?
Long story short I was introduced to BMX about 4 years ago and it was just a natural progression to document what me and my mates were doing at the time. Gradually I became more interested in the techniques behind taking photos or filming a clip. I love learning progressing behind the camera as much as I do learning a new trick on the bike.

Who are some of your influences photography wise; BMX or not?
Most of my influences are BMX based guys like Pete Jaques has always been one of my favourite photographers. Also Cooper Brownlee, Brandon Means, Ricky Adams. To be honest there are to many brilliant photographers to name them all.
On the video side of things Joe Simon, Christian Rigal, John Young and Jack Birtles. Everytime I see a video filmed by one of these dudes it definitely gets me pumped to go film. 

What are the contents of your camera bag?
Currently the contents of my camera bag is pretty basic. 
Digital Setup:
Sony A33
18-55mm Kit Lens
Yognyuo YN 560 Flash
Phottix Strato 2 Multi Flash Triggers 
I really need to get some new lenses though 8mm Fish eye and a prime 35mm f1.4 would be awesome.
Film Camera:
Minolta X300
50mm f2 Lens
I also have a cheap tripod that I use for sequences or off camera flash shots

I notice you’ve got your hand in both film and digital mediums, how do you find it compared to the typical DSLR setup? Have you shot riding with it yet?
 I really love the film camera the final outcome just cant be emulate by the using a DSLR setup, it is pretty much my go to for any lifestyle shots now. It also really forces me to think about every shot I take because each roll has a limited amount of shots whether that be 24 or 36. I feel like that has helped me develop with the DSLR camera as well. I have taken a few riding shots with it but nothing serious just a few skatepark shots. I would love to take more riding shots with the camera but I dont have the confidence to get the shot right and know that it will come out well, maybe one day.

Do you develop your own rolls?
 No I dont have a darkroom set up at all although that would be a dream. I am  still in early days with the whole film photography so I take it to the local camera shop and get them to do it.

Do you also shoot other subjects?
I also love shooting photos of architecture and portraits. I rarely put my camera down when I travel to cities like Melbourne. From riding at skateparks I have also got to know a lot of skaters so I often take some skate photos as well to toss it up a bit.

Do you ever find it difficult to put down your bike and pick up the camera?
At first I suppose that is the case but now not really I know it sounds cliche but I get just as much satisfaction getting a good photo or clip and being able to showcase my mates riding. Sometimes though I choose not to take my camera with me just so I can have a good pedal myself.

What is your favourite discipline to shoot?
I really love shooting street photos they always feel like I have accomplished something. From finding the spot to setting up everything is more involved. I might only get 1 street photo a day compared to 10 at a skatepark but it seems like I get more out of it. I have never had the opportunity to shoot any trails photos yet and would love to but since I don't ride the myself it has never happened.

Moving away from photography; I understand you're involved with the Newcastle BMX organisation. What is your role with that?
I first got involved in Newcastle BMX when Adam ingles was running it. He gave me the opportunity to help with content on the page and continued to do so when Scotty Greentree took over. Recently Scott has not had enough time to continue with Newcastle BMX so he has handed the reigns over to me. The scene has been in a bit of a lull at the moment in Newy but the aim is to get it back pumping again.
It's definately an experience and going to be a steep learning curve

Do you have any plans for jams, contests or other events within the scene?
There are definately plans for some sort of events. Since I have little to zero experience organising other than your average house party the plan is to start small and work from there. So let's hope everything goes to plan.

Word man. You mentioned before the scene is in a bit of a lull at the moment, and events are the best way to kick start activity within it. How would you compare the scene now to the way it’s been in the past? Compared to a few years ago the scene is not as strong anymore but there are always the core group of riders that hang around during these times. There are too many good riders in the area of Newcastle that don't get the recognition they deserve and I would love to be able to show the rest of Australia this talent.

You’re part of the ever-growing list of riders with higher education. What are you studying at the moment?
I am currently studying Surveying at Uni and in my fourth year at the University of Newcastle.

Since I’ve started uni, I’ve noticed I’m pretty time-poor, and things that used to be a priority fall by the wayside. Do you ever find it hard to balance study, riding, photography and a social life?
There is definately not enough time in a week to get everything done that I would want to in a week. As I said before I am in my 4th year and should be finishing at the end of the year but that is being extended another year. On top of that I work 2 days a week at a surveying firm in Maitland.
A lot of my friends don't ride as well so to mix my social life on weekends and riding is often difficult.

Do you have a blog or similar where people are able to check out your work?
I have a couple of blogs: - Where all of my digital shots go - I recently made this to showcase my film photography - My favourite shots of the above 2 tumblers.

Any thanks?

My mate Shannon Gosson for introducing me to the world of BMX in the first place and my younger brother Ryan to bounce ideas off and get honest constructive criticism. Mates for keeping riding fun and allowing me to practice taking photos no matter how many times I mess up and anyone that appreciates the photos and videos I make. Anyone who has ever posted or published any of my work: Diversity BMX, Focalpoint Magazine, BMX Union and 2020.


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