Jack McIver- Impurity Bike Co

Kurt Teague sent over this edit of Jack McIver. Really well produced, and riding was top notch, although personally I'm not a fan of flyout clips and multiple footjam combos. To each their own, though.

Jack Mciver - Impurity Bike Co. from Kurt Teague on Vimeo.


Anonymous said…
Stop being such a negative cunt! There was one fucking Flyout trick and barely any footjam combos, stop whinging and just praise him for a gnarly edit..... Well done jack! Keep it up.
Anonymous said…
well said. butter your a fucking tool. you cant ride at all, so appreciate others instead of critising. fucker
Dave said…
Its not negative and Brodie is entitled to his opinion as are you anonymous.
I like the bit where he gots shot with silly string in a can.
Steeeeeeeveeee said…
@Anonymous. I counted 8 flyout tricks. Thats not gnarly. Why give any praise at all!
Jay said…
8 Fly out tricks ? I don't think you can count very well mate I counted 2 ( 540 out of a bank and 720). great edit Jack.
Anonymous said…
u cant ride at all brodie u pube toast fuckn cunt, get ur half ass nac up your bum cunt

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