World's End Jam

One of my homies sent me a link to the video for the Worlds End Jam, put on by Drift Bikes, to celebrate the opening of Wallsend's new park. Bunch of supermega's, and some real good local kids holdin' it down. Andy Buckworth's ledge ride to frontflip is pretty astonishing, but I found this video hard to enjoy.

I like to try not to be negative, but this video had way too much Bowerman. Of the 12 or so minutes in this video, he took up at least 6. I mean, there's no debating that he's really good at riding little kids bikes, but it just seemed like a bit of a wank. To top it all off, he pulled the ultimate no-no at a jam: bike throwing.

Leave me some feedback on the video, my thoughts, or the colour purple in the comments.


Joel Easson said…
Jacky Gibson, what a babe.
Shittalking101 said…
I think whoever wrote this sounds like a little bitch, I never really understood what everyone was talking about when they refered to "internet shit talkers", this a perfect example of someone just ragging on another dude for no reason. I seriously doubt you would ever say that to Bowerman's face, I think its quite sad because if you ever asked him who you were he wouldn't even know.
Steve said…
Agreed, would have preferred to see some gnarly riding, not stock dew tour footage (Y)

props to that flip can over the hip!
Anonymous said…
its not bowermans fault that the camera follows him everywhere?
Anonymous said…
this is bowerman and who ever rote this should eat a dick.did i make the fucking vid?no i didnt so dont bitch about me.and if you dont like me then dont put a vid up that has heaps of me in it then and dont talk shit on me you gutless fuck.
Anonymous said…
And this is the guy that made the video, you said "shit talkers fuck off"? you're talking so much shit about bowerman and my video? why don't you go fuck yourself? if you don't want people talking shit, don't talk shit yourself. if you don't like the video, dont post it. Wow i filmed alot of Bowerman, he's good! and if he found out who you were you would be wishing you didn't write this.
Anonymous said…
The pissweak dog that wrote this can gargle my nutsack,I know bowerman and he ain't no small cunt bruv,but I'd help him rattle your teeth you shitdog,anyways I think the videos sick Ricey (:
Anonymous said…
lol brodie, your the death. jealous that bowerman can actually ride a bike and you struggle?
Butterlegs said…
Luke, if thats really you, I'd be happy to further explain my comments.
Lee Cruickshank said…
It's a blog, you oversensitive little wussies.
i.e a place for someone to post and voice their opinion.
Adam. said…
Please stop posting on Diversity,
Butterlegs said…
Real mature way of handling yourselves guys. Don't like what I said? Take it on board and rectify yourself next time. I said Bowerman is good, and that there was no debating that. Definately seema like a wank, using stupid amounts of the same dude for a jam video. Jams are about fun, and Luke, you threw your bike because you didn't clear the hop bar. That ain't fun, that's serious.

'If Bowerman found out who said this", here you go. I'm Brodie Butterfield, I'm from Kempsey, NSW. I ain't scared.
deep cee said…
luke bowerman. you are the reason i dont like bmx anymore, please go back to playing footy, wanking off your dad or whatever other suss bogan comper jock dog shit you like doing. the fact you are on here crying about fottage of you acting liek a little bitch shows everyone you really are just a little bitch. bullmix will fuckin eat your purple matching colourways. faggot.
Anonymous said…
why should any cunt take on board what the fuck you say you fucking stain?

Are you fucking retarded? he flipped out and lost his bike, and your fucking bum buddy jack gibson did the same fucking thing, dont see you hating on him? Must be too busy gargling his nut sack.

And i dont like what you said, and i want you to stop posting your useless fucking dribble on what was once a respectable BMX blog.

neck up cunt
Anonymous said…
Looks like someone is going to get his head kicked next time his in sydney..
Anonymous said…
Brodie butterfield your a fucking wanker give up tryin to be in the Bmx scene mate your an embarrassment to society why don't you learn to actually ride a bike first before you shit talk on other people, cross-eyed ranga fuck. who's cock did you suck to be able to post shit on this site anyway
Mohatma. said…
Lee Cruickshank said…
Yeah, all art critics are respectable artists too -oh wait...
Anonymous said…
deep cee hahaha what a fucking cockhead...jealousy sucks aye mate? stop been a fucking hater and go ride your dads cock so you keep him busy why im finger bashing your mum you cockhead :D toodaloo fuckhead!

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