Colony trade in a scooter deal.

Basically the deal is awesome. Any ex-scooter rider that buys a complete Colony bike in the next few weeks can send in their old scooter and in turn get over $100 in Colony product as a "Welcome to BMX" incentive. Read more about that here.
It seems that a legion of pre-pubescent, tough-talking, scooter-wielding internet warriors haven't taken the idea as light-heartidly as it was intended and are taking to Facebook and the comment section of their favourite blogs in the hope that their incessant moaning, screaming for Colony boycotts, and threats of physical harm to the Colony team (LOL) will actually achieve something.
Scooter riders take note, Colony does not have armed goons running into your homes and forcefully removing your prized scooters like some kind of scooter holocaust, they are simply offering a little extra to those who have finally taken the next step and jumped into the world of BMX.
PS. Favourite quote so far from this whole ordeal - "Wow I think bikes are gay the only differance between a bike and a scooter is the little hard plastic penis shaped seat, that goes up there but, Now that is gay Stand up like a man" This coming from a legitimate scooter company from the US run by a 25 year old dude. If you disagree with his comment please send a well-mannered email to
Fuckin loser!