Kinross Jam.

Brad Willetts sent through this edit he put together of the jam that went down in Kinross not too long ago. There are a few reasons why I enjoyed this video, one is that's a bloody lovely choice of beer and although it's probably not the best song for a BMX edit, Footloose is a great song! The riding is also pretty rad! Good as gold.


Anonymous said…
we had the song cranking at one point so i used that song..
lanky said…
O.O untangle that mess of bikes why don't you! that last 3 to fakie was crazy
Anonymous said…
XXXX is awful. Would rather drink piss.
Mitch said…
Anonymous said...
XXXX is awful. Would rather drink piss.

Hahaha, you trollin.
Anonymous said…
Obviously you dont drink beer. Skirt.
Anonymous said…
not liking XXXX gold is un-australian

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