Mitch and Dean trails test ride

My mainest of men Mitch Brown turned 21 the other day and this is an edit test riding his new trails with his brother Dean. They look mega fun, makes me wish I could ride dirt...


Anonymous said…
He is taking credit for those jumps? i rode them like 4 months agowith all these guys from ipswich
Mitch said…

Here is a video from over 2 years ago from the same trails when they were built up the first time around. They were wrecked for a bit but he's recently put a lot of work in them again so I think he deserves to take a bit of credit for them. Everything you would have ridden there he would have built.
Anonymous said…
but the ones he is riding in the video are the same ones i rode and all these scummy ippy guys were sayingg that they were his old ones and he gave up and they totally rebuilt them
micky said…
yeh mitch they look heaps fun mate...
Lanky said…
very cool. and for all the effort you put in, good job mate. they look amazing. happy birthday too =D
nicko.s said…
rad as fuck
Mitch said…
grow some balls anonymous faggot, i built those jumps years ago. theyre my jumps and always have been pfft.
andrew said…
good to see your trails are running again man. cant wait to come out and help dig!

haha and for that other infant hahah noooooo idea!
josh k said…
fuck yeah mitch sick trails
jordanh. said…
that looks sweet, inspired by marybough trails abit? looks flowy as and fun

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