Todd Meyn

Another vid jacked from Ugzine. This time of Todd Meyn from West Oz. Isn't this dude like 15 or 16? Lots of crazy shit in here including a flair to disaster to revert (dope) and a 1080. Check it out.


Jaywilson said…
beeen 15 for a long time now
Justy said…
ha shit yeah! kid has a good style and shreds tech tricks aswell, right on!
Brent T said…
He never said he was 15? anyways 15 or 20, who cares. He still has crazy skills.
Anonymous said…
bahahah hes 18 broo :)
lanky said…
rediculous skills there...
Anonymous said…
does it matter how old he is so good.. best vid in a long time
wayne cant said…
wouldnt say best vid, guys at ride on make a killer vid. But if u mean best skills in a long time. Then that i would agree on.
John said…
guys at ride on, suck up? ride on has the best riders and they deserve more..morriseys a cock and his shop sucks ass
micky said…
if u can 1080 i think u have a fair shit load of skill... the guy kills it i reacon it would be more impressive if he could do this stuff if he was 80 more then if he could do it at 15 hahahahahah old dude dude with a cane doing 1080's would be awesome to watch!!!

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