fuck up irvine, that edit had so many pedal slips, it was like you were riding in the rain cunt. and by the way mate, by cutting out the landing of a trick in an edit, doesnt fool everyone to think you landed it :| grow a pair, peace out
Steve Denny said…
oh, and freaking dope riding tom! i'll watch it again!
www.revolutionbmx.com.au Luke Bowerman edit from monster indoor in sydney from brock b on Vimeo . Brock Beadman sent in this edit in he made of his buddy Luke Bowerman shredding Monster and some street. Just got back from a trip up north so will have some more stuff posted tomorow! -Justy B
Show us you can do better Josh. Don't just say it
The Ride on dudes always have tight edits!"
Stop posting anonymously Morrisey...
amazing i mean
like so good
and amazing, fantasizing, flabber gasted, impressive, perplex, shocking, incredible, marvelous, prodigious, stunning, surprising, unbeleivble, wonderful, sexy, acceptable, dmirable, pleasent, marvelous, honerable, exseptional, firstclass, delux, gnarly, gratifying, great, wickd, sick, prime valuable edit
p.s that chick had the SEXIEST ass!