Piss of civil with ya weak attempts, and fuck your wack soundtracks you choose with all that mainstream pussy footin' hilltop hoods, bliss n eso wack shit. And dont use Big L either you dont reserve the right to use dope shit like that, So why do you film each and every edit like it's going to be a section on a graff dvd? fuck off.
Anonymous said…
yes relli weak soundtracks cause im australian and i listen 2 ausi hip hop hahaha how is a graff dvd related 2 riding
Taylor said…
craig your a dooche. Where's your edit? sorry but all other edits use mainstream homo as fuck metro shit im sorry we're not gay, umm pretty sure its just filmed and edited is it a problem that it doesn't have a intro longer than the riding section?!? And if you have a problem come say it to our faces you computer hero.
Taylor said…
Oh and as i say for every edit we ride cause we love it, not to get accepted.
Craig M said…
Im a computer hero, tie a ribbon around me.
Taylor said…
wtf that doesn't even make sense, I said you were a comptuer hero not a fucking birthday present.???
myles said…
hahaha go do some 3ft drops to slipp pedals and put it in a edit and put some realy unknown music like hilltop hoods on there
Anonymous said…
how is hilltop hoods uknown fuck off 2 america then if u hate ausi hip hop then u can be a g unit
myles said…
being sarcastic because its the only aussie hip hop these docuhe bags know about
Anonymous said…
FUCK. worst comments ever. horrible music, horrible filming. you should all shut the fuck up
micky said…
some of the stuff in there was really good just need to think of quality not quantity.... but good edit none the less
Will. said…
Some really good shit in there.
Anonymous said…
that josh guy is pretty good
Anonymous said…
i would rather stick rusty spoons in my eyes then watch that again.
jamie = dead man walking
lanky said…
just reading the comments was entertainment enough for me =') so funny. lets all sign in with our real names though so we know who were baggin out, cause talking to an anonymous just isnt as direct. miles has the right idea! hates the vid but isnt scared to put his name up
aaron erwich said…
I think civil r complete homosexuals... they should go get a career in breakdancing n give riding up.
www.revolutionbmx.com.au Luke Bowerman edit from monster indoor in sydney from brock b on Vimeo . Brock Beadman sent in this edit in he made of his buddy Luke Bowerman shredding Monster and some street. Just got back from a trip up north so will have some more stuff posted tomorow! -Justy B
jamie = dead man walking