Colony Hubguard and Tempered Bars
Check out this cool little hubguard by Colony to fit the clone hubs. Looks pretty clean. They're still in testing stage at the moment but by the looks of it they should hold up well. Now you dont have to be scared of scratching those pretty coloured spokes!

In other Australian bmx company news, Tempered's brand new Treason bars are here and ready to be put on your bike and shredded. I saw Tom Stretton drop his bike from about 4 metres high and land directly on the end of his bars and they didn't bend a bit. Tough as nails.
In other Australian bmx company news, Tempered's brand new Treason bars are here and ready to be put on your bike and shredded. I saw Tom Stretton drop his bike from about 4 metres high and land directly on the end of his bars and they didn't bend a bit. Tough as nails.

more photos of the new tempered products will be coming soon. =]