Josh Irvine's Blackeye Killarado Review
Copied this review from the infamous Josh Irvine straight from my email:

Spelling mistakes and lame puns aside, I think the frame looks pretty sweet. Am I the only one that actually thinks these low slung frames look good? Let me know what you think in the comments.
Can you post this for me please its the new Blackeye Killarado
Well the new blackeye Killarado Frames are in Australia and avaliable at all good bikeshops wieghing in at 4.10 pounds and as strong as an OX also it is a low set frame..I had my doubts running such a low frame but after seeing how popular they were in the states i thought i would run one..Now this being a low set frame makes it so easy to whip also to spin 360 and 720 also it just feels so good to ride and not only is it good to ride but it looks pretty sweet nearlly as sweet as lemon if your aftera new frame for christmas try one of these frames...
Frame 21inch blackeye killarado
Forks verde
Bars Prototypes
Stem Odyssey cfl
Cranks Macanik 175mm
Disc macanik 25t
Pedal odyssey twisted
Seat/seatpost DUO guns
Front wheel Snafu with Hazard lite
Rear wheel snafu with hazard lite
Tyres Duo foldable
Grips Duo scotty cranmers
Chain KMC 410h
Pegs DrogonFly Ti
Brakes None
Mods cut axles and seat post also hollo bolts...
Spelling mistakes and lame puns aside, I think the frame looks pretty sweet. Am I the only one that actually thinks these low slung frames look good? Let me know what you think in the comments.
how low is it thow
haahaah i can rhyme
well i recon the hell stalian fkn owns it's hell good. bit dno bout this blackeye?
i like the low slung frames thow .