It seems the BMX community just can't take a break lately.
From FocalPoint:
My condolences to anyone who had the pleasure of meeting Tim and to his closest friends and family. AnchorBMX and ZombieBMX have some tributes on their sites that you should check out. R.I.P brother.

-Mitch :(
From FocalPoint:
New Zealand/Melbourne all round nice guy Tim Hales sadly past away today. Tim was a fantastic person who always had a smile on his face. Tim would always wow us when he rode city park going twice as fast as most people hitting anything in his path, I think thats how Tim lived life. My deepest sympothy goes out to all the Anchor crew along with Tim's friends and family in New Zealand. You can pay your respects here.
My condolences to anyone who had the pleasure of meeting Tim and to his closest friends and family. AnchorBMX and ZombieBMX have some tributes on their sites that you should check out. R.I.P brother.
-Mitch :(