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Brannon Whyte Vid
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16 year old Brannon Whyte sent this vid of himself in. This kid is gooooooooood. The park looks amazing also.
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Anonymous said…
unit sonnnn! haha
Anonymous said…
this is shit you bloody grease ball cunt go get a kebab to feed yourself you dirty wog cunt
Anonymous said…
meh.. another chopping block kid doing the same stock tricks and posibbly the gayest song edited to bmx. no more please!!!
Anonymous said…
shutup who the fuck are you to judge on how i ride my bike you go around giving shit on others because it makes u feel better you insecure fuck your dad probably rapes you
www.revolutionbmx.com.au Luke Bowerman edit from monster indoor in sydney from brock b on Vimeo . Brock Beadman sent in this edit in he made of his buddy Luke Bowerman shredding Monster and some street. Just got back from a trip up north so will have some more stuff posted tomorow! -Justy B
This is just some of the wild shit that went down when i was in Sydney. This double front flip from West Oz Chris Jones was definitely one of the most gnar things i have seen in my life and i had spent a lot of time on the road with this guy when i was back in Perth doing demos and i never thought he would be doing shit like this. Also: i did not edit this vid. -Matty.
no more please!!!
you go around giving shit on others because it makes u feel better you insecure fuck your dad probably rapes you